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Hello everyone! I’m back to bring you my annual Favorite Movies list that had some great gems to choose from, but not a year that was amongst my favorites. I don’t mean to start on a negative note, but I have to be honest with my feelings and say that compared to last year, this was a bit of a disappointing year that could’ve had more home runs, but for what the year had to offer I still was able to revel in the movies I did end up loving. So because there were fewer great movies this year, I narrowed it down to a Top 10 with a few honorable mentions. And again this is my Top 10 list that will be different from yours and that’s okay because we aren’t all robots designed to have the same brain. After all, wouldn’t that be boring? I think so and I also believe we should kick off my My Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2024.  HONORABLE MENTIONS: #10 This technically wasn’t the best made on the list and I’d even agree with how a few honorable mentions are technically  better-made movies, ...
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