*Directed by Mamoru Oshii *Starring Mimi Woods, Richard Epcar, Christopher Joyce, William Frederic Knight, and Tom Wyner The Plot: In a futuristic society inhabited by a large fraction of cyborgs, a being named the Puppet Master, who can easily manipulate the mainframes of other cyborgs, is under investigation by the police force Section 9 with the involvement of a cybernetic policewoman Major Motoko Kusanagi and her team. Obviously, I intended to review the original film before the release of this weekend's remake starring Scarlett Johansson, which looks visually astounding. What perfect time to actually watch the original that I promised myself I'd watch someday then towards the release of this movie. Right off the bat I'll admit that I'm not the biggest anime buff but I've seen quite a few Hayao Miyazaki films that I ended up loving and this past summer I experienced the entire series of Cowboy Bebop , which is now another one of my all-time favorite ...