What's going on, guys? Today I'll be doing something a little different with my blog discussing some entertainment news happening that has fans wanting to explode in rage, since this is the Internet, or questioning their life's existence. Now, before I jump in I just want to make it known that I don't plan on posting about every single bit of movie news that comes out every day. I never sought out to make a blog about movie news, but what I do want to do is occasionally talk about specific topics I have a lot to say about and this bit of news is...something. NOTE: I was also going to discuss the confusion about the Matt Reeves directed The Batman starring Ben Affleck, but I feel that's fitting for another discussion because so much has changed already. Okay, so here we go: So, quite a few days ago sources broke that Warner Bros was developing an origin story about the most iconic villain in all of DC Comics, The Joker. This film has Todd Phillips attached ...