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How's it going guys? As we get closer to the release of Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi, I've been having such a blast giving you reviews of every Star Wars movie leading up to this new film's release, but I figured I'd shake things up a bit this week. Before I tackled Revenge of the Sith I thought it'd be a great time to delve into the most pivotal event in the series between Episodes II and III and that is The Clone Wars. I am a fan of The Clone Wars shows new and old and instead of talking about the entire series of the newer show I'd give you thoughts on 5 episode arcs that I really love and remind me what's so good about this franchise. Also, because the original show was a favorite of mine growing up I figured I'd give my thoughts on that as well. Without further ado here are 5 of my favorite Clone Wars arcs in no particular rank, but in order of release, as well as thoughts on the early 2000s micro series. Here we go:



If you have your doubts about the Star Wars saga not qualifying as fantasy then just watch this episode arc alone. The basic premise of the episode is that Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan crash land on a mysterious planet called Mortis that is very strong with the Force. They meet spiritual beings that are basically representations of what the Force is being the Light and the Dark Side and the Father of the two holding them together. What I love so much about this arc is that it opens up so much about the lore and the spiritual aspect of what makes Star Wars so rich within the fantasy genre. It's incredibly interesting to see the trials these characters go through, how they can be manipulated, and what could happen when they're at their most vulnerable.

Even though we know what will happen next considering the series is a prequel I was still highly invested in these major character moments, especially to see what they do with Anakin's character. There's a specific event that happens in the last episode of the arc with Anakin that I will not spoil, but if this all wasn't Canon I'd love to see an alternate story of where they could take it. All and all this was just a great episode arc to enlarge the fantasy aspect of Star Wars we know and love, while having great emotional character moments and solid tension from beginning to end.



I was originally going to focus on the arc involving Maul's return, but I wanted Savage's introduction episodes to be fresh in my mind, so I revisited those episodes as well. The basic premise is that Asajj Ventress wants revenge on an assassination attempt by Count Dooku, so she goes to her native planet of Dathomir with aid of a secret society of witches to find an apprentice that's the same species as Maul named Savage Opress. That soon backfires, which brings Savage on a quest to find his long lost brother Maul, who now seeks revenge for his defeat caused by Kenobi on Naboo.

Again, like the Mortis arc it opens up more of that fantasy element that makes the lore of this franchise so incredibly rich. Not to mention that if you think this show is exclusively for children just watch this arc because with characters like Savage and Maul, it's not sunshine and rainbows. I loved seeing these characters band together and seeing their character arcs build and then seeing where it eventually builds up to. Maul definitely has more of that menacing factor and motivation that I wish he had in Episode I. The show does a really great job of making him a very compelling and interesting character that's so tragic in the long run. Also, to see where they take Ventress's arc was incredibly eye opening because, without spoiling anything, we see a great, dramatic shift with this character that felt very believable and gave her more added layers, which is what great Star Wars characters all deserve.


(SEASON 5 EPISODES 1, 14-16)

Continuing off of the "Maul Returns" arc, Maul's plan of gaining power and revenge on Kenobi escalates when forming an army amongst crime lords and a resistance group on the planet Mandalore called Death Watch with a plan in place to overthrow the planet's capital while killing Kenobi in the process. Seeing Maul's plan escalate was just enticing as all hell! You truly get to see the motivation he has in place and the many tactics he has mind when leading this army, which is just something we've never seen before and showcased the true villainous presence of the character. Watching this arc on top of the previous arc is quite a ride because you just continue to see characters like Savage and Maul become these unstoppable forces more and more and for that reason they become such interesting villains.

Also, to see this added conflict with Death Watch added so much more intensity and to see how all these events eventually pan out was incredibly mind blowing. When the action hits, boy, does it hit! The action sequences in this entire arc are some of the best in the entire series and maybe highlights of the entire saga. Once you see it you'll know what I mean. With so much included to really add to the emotion of the saga, it called for great character moments and a good versus evil story that had meaning, which reminds me how exciting and dramatic a great series like Star Wars can be.



The basic plot of this episode might be spoilers for Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, so if you haven't seen it watch all these arcs, that movie, and then come back. Basically, the plot revolves around a clone finding out about the Order 66 conspiracy and how the Chancellor is in on the larger than life Separatist plot. So, what I love so much about this arc is that this is probably one of the Star Wars stories I've experienced that would qualify being in the mystery/thriller genre. As much as I love the saga for it's spectacle and eye popping action, it's definitely the story that makes Star Wars work and I feel that since this arc was more story-based that I didn't really care if there was a lot of laser action going on.

Even though there is great action to be had, I think the writers made a great decision of keeping it minimal and have us invested in the fate of this character. It was very gripping and tragic and even though we see in other arcs how the Clone characters are more humanized, I really loved what they did with that aspect of Fives's character, the Clone we follow throughout this journey. We know this character won't succeed in the final objective because we saw the future events in the movies, but in the end it was all about the journey, not the destination.



This was the final arc of the entire series that, from what I understand, was meant to serve as the series finale. The basic plot is that with Yoda hearing Qui Gonn communicate with him through the Force, Yoda decides to venture out on this journey to learn more about the inner workings of the Force while also learning more about himself based around his spiritual connection. For this to be the last arc of this entire show, I'd personally say it was the best effort because there were certain events that happened that really made me rethink the story of the Prequel Trilogy. With that in mind the execution also made the story just feel all the more engrossing on top of getting more of a feel of the Star Wars mythology through Yoda's tests and trials he takes throughout the arc.

I won't get into spoilers, but to see Yoda's approach at times made me have a better grasp of his character because we're so used to him being just an awesome, wise master, but to actually see that he has flaws and has moments where he stumbles made him feel so much more relatable and really strengthened the character we all know and love. So with this episode arc on top of The Mortis arc from Season 3 is some amazing Star Wars fantasy flavor you can't miss out on. This arc does an amazing job of handling its emotion, expanding the mythology, and by making these characters feel more real. Also, the visuals to give the atmosphere that dream-like, fantasy aesthetic was nothing short of breathtaking. Some of the best visual effects and animation I've seen in the entire show.


Now because I was discussing the newer Clone Wars series, I did have an urge to revisit the original early 2000s micro series titled Star Wars Clone Wars and let me tell ya, it holds up amazingly well after all these years. For those of you who don't know, this micro series aired on Cartoon Network and was developed by Genndy Tartakovsky, who famously created amazing animated shows like Dexter's Laboratory and Samurai Jack. The show mainly resembles the visual style of Samurai Jack and the style translates well for a Star Wars animation due to the fact that just by how the animation is presented, the visual storytelling, it just evokes so many emotions and gives you a great feel of the atmosphere.

Also, like in the more recent series there was a better interpretation of Anakin where there's more of that intimidating factor and strong presence that I just didn't get from Episode II. There wasn't a lot done with the minor characters like the Jedi in the Prequels, but this time around you care about them in the action and what sort of conflict they're in because the show develops them a lot better visually, no less. The 2-D animation is stunning and the sound design is without a doubt second to none. The dialogue also doesn't feel wordy and is very genuine. I absolutely loved this series and even though it's not a part of the official Canon I still highly recommend giving this your time of day as a fan of Star Wars and definitely animation in general.

There you have it those are my thoughts on The Clone Wars series both new and old and I do highly recommend watching all the arcs I discussed and the original show. Not to mention that if you do want to experience the entire show I'll post a link from, which is an episode guide that has all the episodes in chronological order because, yeah the original release dates for the episodes and the movie are a little crazy and out of whack.

However, since the show can have its sillier episodes (*cough* Jar Jar) there is another episode guide of essential arcs to seek out with some I unfortunately didn't get to include on this list because there were so many great arcs to choose from. As for the original micro series you can still purchase them on DVD for great prices on Amazon or eBay even though they're technically out of print.

Stay tuned this Thursday for my review of Stranger Things Season 1 leading up to Season 2 as well next week's Star Wars review of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, which I'm actually really looking forward to discussing with you all.

For more updates be sure to also follow me in the social media links below as well as a link to my Star Wars Reviews page:


The Clone Wars Chronological Order Episode Guide -

The Clone Wars ESSENTIAL Episodes Guide

Twitter and Instagram: @alexjcorey

Thank you all so much for reading! As always, see some movies and all that good stuff. Take care and May the Force be with you. Always. :-) 


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