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*Directed by J.J. Abrams
*Starring Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Harrison Ford, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Carrie Fisher, Lupita Nyong'o, Gwendoline Christie, Domhnall Gleeson, Andy Serkis, Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, Max Von Sydow, Simon Pegg, Billie Lourd, Kenny Baker, Mark Hamill, Warwick Davis


The Plot: Taking place decades after the events of Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker has gone missing and the First Order has become the rising force of evil in the galaxy in place of the Empire. It's not until a Resistance pilot named Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) gives his droid BB-8 a piece of a map that leads to Luke's destination and that droid soon crosses paths with a scavenger named Rey (Daisy Ridley). She soon crosses paths with a former stormtrooper named Finn (John Boyega), which then leads them on a journey where they team up with Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) to get this droid to the Resistance while battling against the First Order's heavy forces headed by one of their leaders Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), Han and Leia's son.

It was amazing to see all the hype surrounding this movie a couple years back with just the idea that we were getting another Star Wars movie. I mean the idea that we're getting this sequel trilogy is just the unthinkable. It felt like living in a fantasy land then with an Episode VII, but it's crazy to think that I'm even feeling this now with getting Episode VIII this week as I'm writing this. You could say this movie did have a lot riding on its shoulders due to it relaunching the franchise and bring in fans new and old, so this franchise could be a success once again, which it undoubtedly was to begin with.

I was pumped out of my mind to see it when it finally came out and I had all these wild theories and speculations in my head. I'll admit it wasn't the film I was expecting it to be at first, but folks that's a good thing because with the multiple times I've seen this film I've continued to love it more and more each time. The Force Awakens is an incredible movie!

What blows me away about this movie was the amount of energy director J.J. Abrams infused into this movie. It is just non-stop action and is one of the single most entertaining films I ever had the pleasure to sit through. The amped up action scenes really immersed me into the experience and the use of sound throughout was also phenomenal.

 I just love how on top of having really insane action that the film still maintained on feeling very grounded. When making this movie, the team behind this film made the right to film on real locations, have tangible set pieces, and use utterly fantastic practical effects. The use of the variety of different creatures and how they were put together was just unbelievable. They really made you believe you were completely in this world.

But, of course, other than the film being a visual marvel, the story and characters had to have enough weight to them and in short they really freaking did. The start of this arc for Rey is just spectacular, who's played amazingly well by Daisy Ridley. Really fabulous breakout performance for this actress with the amount of emotion and gravitas she brought to this heroic presence. Her character is so full of intrigue and mystery! Really brave, clever, and just fulfilled those heroic qualities that make her have so much purpose to be the heroine of this story.

We also care about her struggles regarding her family being a missing piece of her life in which she's been waiting years to finally have back. It seems we'll be getting that part of the story resolved in The Last Jedi, but the way they leave it open in this movie makes her still a very striking character and one we care about because of how she's written and played out. Very gentle and heroic and just another character to adore!

Finn played terrifically well by John Boyega is an incredibly lovable ball of energy and also another character we could get behind. We could understand his motivations and the film cleverly executes his development through visuals on the battlefield in the first scene on the Jakku village. I really liked the arc in place for this character, too, and I also appreciated that he was one to care about others like Rey and Poe and would put forth bravery and use all his power to help them. He was selfless.

Poe Dameron was also full of personality, charismatic, and portrayed really well by Oscar Isaac, but of course the cream of the crop are the cast members who reprised their roles. BB-8, the new droid is also a fantastic little side character, full of more of that lovable personality and was in a lot of great humorous scenes, like when he gave Finn the little thumbs up.

Seeing Harrison Ford back as Han Solo is truly a dream come true and not because it's Harrison Ford being awesome in the Han Solo costume, but that he actually brought those nuances and mannerisms to the Han Solo we fell in love with in the Original Trilogy. This is an aged Han Solo we're actually seeing on screen and it's flawless as can be.

It was also really great to see Carrie Fisher reprise her role as Leia and to see her more as an older, experienced war leader as a general no less, which was very interesting this time around. Of course it's always amazing to see Anthony Daniels reprise his role as Threepio and hearing that iconic voice once again and to also see the late Kenny Baker back as Artoo and Peter Mayhew as Chewie to fulfill great subtle physical acting under the costumes.

And last, but certainly not least a character who I've heard criticisms about is Kylo Ren who in my book was perfectly portrayed by Adam Driver. I thought his performance as this villain was excellent and I really thought he was a believable villain, who just wasn't as experienced, powerful, and very flawed compared to Darth Vader. I didn't think he was a whiny teenager babbling like Hayden Christensen in Attack of the Clones like so many people think.

He was a character that had weight and we just see the trouble he faces with wanting to become as much of a powerful force as Vader, his grandfather. He wants more than anything to become this all powerful being and to be feared and with those motivations in mind. I think it calls for a villain you can understand and has meaning for his actions. Those back and forths he has with General Hux has meaning because he truly wants to be the best and one of those ways is by one-uping other leaders in his own backyard. That's a memorable villain to me in my book.

Another criticism that I still can't stand is the fact that people think that this movie is similar to Star Wars aka A New Hope, and while there are certain sequences that are similar I think the film is simply giving nods to the original films and still telling its own story with characters we've never experienced in the Star Wars universe. Saying it's a rip-off is a shameless criticism because the film is simply paying homage to the films that came before, but still being its own thing.

 I mean sure there's something like another Death Star, but the First Order has made vast improvements over the Empire's plans and they use it to overthrow the government, so that they can take control. I mean that's just crazy and not to mention that it's surrounding a planet and uses the power of the Sun to power its weapon. Yep, just like the original Death Star, right? Of course not! I bought into it! Just another thought.

I love that this time around that the movie sets up so much mystery surrounding Rey and that because she's so powerful in the Force that we wonder who her parents might be. That's another discussion in it of itself, but since we're so close to The Last Jedi, I am dying to finally find out. Also, the mysterious figure of Supreme Leader Snoke I also found very striking because the film only showcases his ominous and villainous presence, but the idea that he's Force sensitive and trains Kylo has us wondering how he became the way he is. Also, where did Maz retrieve Anakin's lightsaber after it got lost on Bespin? I mean the film leaves you with these amazing questions that it just makes me more excited to get more of the story in the next installment.

That all isn't to say that because the film leaves you with questions that it was lacking. In fact, it was a great thing that the film left you wanting more of its story on top of being a great film in general. It was already a wholesome experience in telling this portion of the story, but it's not like the film takes you out of left field in another scene to have you focus on something that has nothing to do with the story being told and something completely different in the next installment, a spin-off, a comic, a novel, a video game, or something crazy like that. It's not all about setting up a universe, but telling it's own story and leaving things open to have us wanting more because we're so invested in the story.

An issue I used to have with this movie is that I thought some of the CG kind of took me out of this very tangible world and it was mainly the CG motion capture for the characters Maz Kanata and Snoke. Even though I love both characters I felt they just stuck out like a sore thumb in these real life environments and felt they could've been done more practically. However, I feel it was a little unfair for me to judge it that way and, yeah, maybe it would've been a little better to see a practical effect in place or a mixture of practical and CG, but the amount of detail that went into each character, starship, and location was incredibly well done. It's a blessing to live in a time where CG can be made to look more photo realistic and seamlessly blend in with their environments and I think the CG characters worked for me this time around. A lot of great detail and textures went into the look of these characters.

So I do not agree that The Force Awakens is a retread in the franchise, but more like a big step forward because it showcased amazingly well rounded characters we've never met before while balancing them with older characters we've adored for generations. The grounded aesthetics in its production and beautifully orchestrated visuals called for an all around immersive experience that doesn't make you want to leave an engrossing story full of great mystery in a galaxy far, far away.

Verdict: A+

Oh my goodness gracious we finally reached the end of my series of classic Star Wars reviews, so for those who have been hanging around with me during this journey thank you all so much for sticking by. I deeply appreciate it, but thank goodness the fun doesn't stop here, so stay tuned for my review of The Last Jedi this upcoming Sunday as well as my Spoiler Filled Review that week as well.

You guys are absolutely terrific and, if you want to, check out my other Star Wars reviews with a link to that page down below as well as links to my social media stuff if you want to check back on other updates for my little blog here:

Twitter and Instagram: @alexjcorey

Again, thank you all so much for reading! I really mean it! It definitely means so much to me that you all take the time to read my opinions on film.

As always see some great freakin' entertainment. Take care and May the Force be with you. Always. :-) 


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