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Hi everybody! Here's Part 2 of my list where I break down my absolute favorites of 2017 in a top 20 list because this year was just THAT good! If you want to catch up on Part 1 of the list being #'s 20-11, click here. But without further here are MY TOP 10 FAVORITE FILMS OF 2017...


War for the Planet of the Apes proves you can still have quality film trilogies in this day and age and you can end them on a high note. The character development for Caesar throughout all three films was so perfectly handled and probably one of my new favorite character arcs of all time. This movie finishes that arc out well and Andy Serkis continues to prove that a performance such as this deserves all the attention in the world including an Oscar nomination. It was a never-ending emotional rollercoaster that had some really unforgettable visual storytelling and great tension-filled moments between the antagonist portrayed by the always fantastic Woody Harrelson. It was as perfect of a third chapter as it needed to be and nothing more.


Believe it or not? Call me crazy! Call me whatever you want right now! This is my favorite film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and feels like this generation's The Empire Strikes Back (much like another film I'll soon talk about). I love that compared to the first film, that it has you rethink that story and it goes on to build the characters that we fell in love with in the first film as well. People have issues with it being too heavy on the humor, but I think it's one of the best parts because this is probably the funniest film in 2017. 

The great laughs really hit hard, every character has their moment to shine, and the soundtrack is even on par with the first film. James Gunn's direction is also very underrated for the visual elements of the film, the use of color, the cinematography, and visual effects, all look so superb. To me it tops the first film for having more great emotion, character moments that hit, and amazing hilarity and enjoyment that makes it perfect cinema for me.


I think the perfect word for this movie that's been thrown around a lot is inspirational because it really puts things into perspective for Tommy Wiseau wanting to create something to share with the world. I love the way the film captured the friendship bond between Tommy and Greg Sestero and to have us really understand what went on behind the scenes being good or bad. Nothing sanitized, but in the end we feel for Tommy and Greg, and the amount of joy I had after I watched the film was unfathomable. I loved every single minute of it and it just makes Tommy Wiseau's The Room that much more interesting of a watch, even though it was to begin with.


One of the most heartfelt animated films I've probably ever seen in my entire life. Even though there were a lot of fun and entertaining sequences with how the music, humor, and fantasy aspect was incorporated, the film just has such an incredible emotional pull right from the get-go that towards the end of the film tears were streaming down my face. I've cried in movies, but for some reason in the cinema it's quite rare. It was just impossible to hold them back because the film does a really amazing job of showcasing the importance of family and pursuing dreams. Pixar has done it once again!


It was a highly enjoyable horror film and will end up as one of my favorites in the horror genre. Andy Muchietti's direction was there to give great dramatic tension in the more frightening scenes. There was none of those cheap jump scares that completely take you out of the movie and distract from the more emotional moments. All the young actors who portrayed each member of The Losers Club were outstanding and all had fabulous chemistry on screen. Bill SkarsgĂ„rd portraying Pennywise was just tremendous in the role and in my book will go down as one of the greatest actors to play a horror-based character. I loved everything about this movie, the scares worked, the acting was better than expected, and the story itself was also very thought-provoking in regards to mystery of Pennywise. A great refresher in the horror genre.


I'm starting to get sick of the superhero/comic book movie fatigue argument or if someone says they're all the same because a film like Logan proves that the genre can still be fresh and even transcend the genre. I'd also consider it a western, science fiction film and what was also great about it was that the film was R-Rated and the most mature of the X-Men series. It does feel like a pretty gritty world in previous installments, but this film takes it another step further. Hugh Jackman as Logan/Wolverine absolutely kills in this role, definitely in the literal sense, but the emotional levity in his performance felt so realistic. 

Daphne Keene was also brilliant in her breakout role as X23 as a lovable badass. Patrick Stewart reprising as Charles Xavier was absolutely perfect bringing another nuance to the character we hadn't seen before. It was a more vulnerable, broken version we hadn't seen and he absolutely nails it. To say this movie is an emotional rollercoaster is an understatement because as satisfying as it is, it's also a more tragic and somber movie, but man is it a great film because of that.


Christopher Nolan is one of my all time favorite directors and Dunkirk once again proves that he'll remain in my top 2 favorites. This truly felt like being a witness to this WWII experience and the way it was visually crafted from a cinematography, practical effects, and visual effects point of view, it truly made every scene feel quite immersive. The use of sound design was also really spectacular to go along with such hard hitting visuals. And you know what? It is a very visual movie and that's one of the reasons why I love it so much because even though the characters aren't fleshed out in regards to knowing about their backstories, you can still learn a lot about them and who they are in the action.

 I think that's what some people could read into who thought there was a lack of character development. Was there supposed to be focus on the event? Without a doubt, but I think we were supposed to figure out what kind of people these men were through their point of view and how they reacted to said event. It's a visual filmmaking marvel and a magnificent historical piece with the way it captured a more grounded aesthetic.


Guillermo del Toro has made a film that is so original and so beautifully constructed and executed that I felt like I was discovering something new in the cinema. What amazed me most about this film in particular is that since it's a fantasy based story, it felt sort of whimsical, but also incredibly dark at the same time. There were horrors behind the overall conflict, but you're still in awe about the romance between Sally Hawkins' character Eliza and this fish man portrayed by Doug Jones. The filmmaking was wonderful, all the acting was very Oscar worthy, and the score by Alexandre Desplat was gorgeous. There has been nothing quite like The Shape of Water in recent years and I'm glad it exists in this day and age where the imagination and creativity truly shines.


As long as this film was clocking in at almost three hours and being slow paced in parts, I couldn't believe how much I didn't want this film to end. Denis Villinueve was able to perfectly create a successor to the original masterpiece that complimented the original quite well, but managed to tell it's own perfectly handled story. From a visual standpoint the film looks absolutely breathtaking and the emotional performances by Ryan Gosling as Agent K and Harrison Ford as Deckard were both some of the best in their entire careers. For a film that could come off as dull and pretentious ended up being one of the most riveting cinematic experiences I've had in 2017 and maybe in my life. It was truly as good as it could've been and I think there could be interesting conversations about this film in years to come. I know I'll keep talking up this movie because its artistry and layered story calls for masterpiece storytelling.

And now the cream of the crop! You might've seen this coming just by how I've been talking about this entry and predecessors on my blog and I think if I didn't have it at #1 I'd be lying to you, but MY FAVORITE FILM of 2017 is...


I've probably talked about how much I love this film really in-depth in my non-spoiler and spoiler reviews, but this film really does show what you can do with a character driven story. It doesn't always have to be the formulaic adventures that we know and adore, but director Rian Johnson proves you can take characters to new heights that to me came off as extraordinary. I loved that there were new aspects to explore in terms of character development and the saga's fantasy element. 

It maintained on being a really exhilarating adventure while also having more sophisticated layers that mature viewers could also appreciate. It's the perfect example of expecting the unexpected and it can be both a fun visual experience, but also one you can dissect and really get a feel of. It's one of the most emotionally resonating entries in the saga for me and still remains in my top 2 of the franchise as of right now. I think it's a misunderstood masterpiece like The Empire Strikes Back's initial reaction because of how it handles character and is a beyond wholesome fantasy story because of that. 

So those are my favorite films of 2017 and it really has been a fantastic year for film and just doing what I do on my blog has really been something special as well. Thank you all so much for reading my work and keeping up with me. I truly can't put the appreciation into words.  It's been just such a fun experience and I hope you all had some fun as well. Luckily, the fun doesn't stop in 2018. I look forward to bringing more awesomeness to my blog this year. Follow me on social media and check out my latest 2017 recaps:

PART 1 (#20 - 11)

 PART 1 (#10 - 6)
 PART 2 (#5 - 1)

Twitter and Instagram: @alexjcorey

Again thank you all so much for reading and as always see some great freakin' entertainment and May The Force Be With You Always!

Take care. :-)


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